Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sometimes... "The System" Works

For the past year I have been living with a personal legal issue that has had me tied up in knots and had effected every single facet of my life. Something like this puts a future on hold until it is resolved.

When I came home from work, I ate something and then for some reason decided the kitchen needed a good going over. After taking out the garbage, I spotted my mail on the counter and realized I hadn't even given it a second glance. I turned the envelope over and.... there it was. The address of the court on the upper left hand corner..... I've been excited, nervous - and dreading the arrival of this envelope for three months. This issue was what my journey to Newark was all about: Newark on $25.50 A Day.

I opened the envelope with my eyes closed ... a little dramatic, I know - but I did. There in bold letters was the decision in my favor. I now have my future back - if that makes sense.

Like any good Jewish girl, the first thing I did was call my mother.