Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Payin' the RENT Again

When I wrote that last Tuesday's performance of RENT was perfect..... it was - until I went again last night.

This was a very powerful evening. Within a week, the cast managed to somehow raise the level of their performances to a new height. The entire group was explosive and it was riviting. The emotional quotient that Adam, Anthony and Tamyra have brought to their roles is astonishing.

When I went last week, I thought Tamyra was good, but lacked the conviction of her role. Last night, she found "Mimi". Her body language was dead on as was her ability to convey the myriad of emotions the part calls for. Nice work!

Adam and Anthony.... stepped it up yet again. The raw power of Adam's ability to channel Roger is beyond explanation. Now that it is ten years down the line, he brings an obvious maturity and evolution in his acting to the part and it shows. His performance was the perfect combination of sweet, desperate, fearful and overwhelmed with sadness and joy. He had me mezmerized. Anthony is, and always will be the definitive Mark. There is no one who will ever be able to match his depth and understanding of this person. He completely nails the quirkiness in voice and movement that this role demands.

I am very fortunate to be able to experience live theatre on a regular basis. There is nothing like it.


Anonymous said...

I'm shocked - SHOCKED, I say! - that you make no mention of the ONLY reason for this show's existance: the pants.

Yenta Center said...

*Ahem* They were prominently mentioned in my prior post about the show!

And yet again, the pants gave a magnificent performance. They should be nominated for Best Featured when TONY time rolls around.