Wednesday, July 11, 2007

To Sleep, Perhaps To Dream.....

Insomnia... it strikes again.

A few times a year I get bouts of insomnia. Right about now is the time for one of them. My work schedule changes at this time of year and I have trouble adjusting. I go from 8-4 to 9- 2 or 3. Sounds like a very small change, but it can really affect a person. I'm sure the abomidable heat we've been experiencing and a few health problems are not helping either. I am NOT looking forward to my Dr. appointment next week and the ensuing tests that will be forthcoming. Hopefully a solution will finally be found.

Good thing next week is one of my two vacation weeks in July. I am really looking forward to my getaway this weekend and spending time with my friend and her family. It's a nice drive, very peaceful where they live, and we always have a great time.

I have no doubt that tomorrow morning, I will be in the greatest of moods... (read... cranky).

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