Friday, April 6, 2007

Channeling Larry King

Last night I had a spectacularly bad time falling asleep. My racing random thoughts could have given any Larry King commentary a run for it's money. Some of the highlights:

I need a new digital camera
Why is Debra Voight playing Isolde
I hope the cat food is ok
Did the DVDs I ordered come yet (shipped to work)
My hands are dry
I have to clean the fridge
Hare Club For Men - made me laugh like an idiot
Why is my lawyer such a slow poke
I should to use the gift certificate I got for a spa facial, manny/pedi
The paint in my livingroom is peeling
Images from Fast Food Nation ......
Is it really necessary for women to shave their legs
So much to clean out in the bedroom
"Friend suckers" and the pathological reasons for it (more about that at another time)

There was so much more....

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