Friday, June 15, 2007

Heath Care Is Making Me Sick

I am probably going to have to leave the job this summer.
It literally is breaking my heart. They raised our health
premiums to almost $400/mo with a $35/45 copay and
$20-50 prescrip. It's insane and something needs to be
done. Being single and my own sole means of support,
I simply cannot afford it. We only get a minimal cost of
living raise... no merit ones ever for anyone. I felt so
wimpy... I started getting very teary as I was telling
one of my friends there about it (my yoga instructor -
she is wonderful).

So... when school is officially over next week and I have
all the quiet time I need, I have to start looking. It sucks.
Well... at least until I have something else, I have the security
of the job I have and won't have financial issues for a while.

It's been a tough week and a half, but last Saturday was
definitely THE bright spot. So much fun!

Great friends and much rejoicing :-)

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