Thursday, October 4, 2007

Nappus Interruptus

Why is it that everytime I try to take a nap, one or more of the following things happen - no matter what time said nap is scheduled for?:

* Downstairs neighbor's radar for blasting their VERY LOUD Mexican folk music
* Landscapers prolific use of a leaf blower
* I have to pee every 10 minutes
* One of the cats feels the need to bang on the door for attention
* My property manager decides to drag all the garbage can from the parking lot to the front and visa versa
* Above mentioned asswipe who has Ray Romano's voice without volume modulation, engages ANYONE who will listen in a conversation how his rent/utlility free existence is a bitch, as is his pregnant one legged wife. (his thought.. not mine, she is lovely)
* Mom calls
* Medical condition kicks in and I want to die
* Someone decides to test their car alarm over and over and over
* The horn blasting trains come waaaaaaaay more frequently than usual
* Or I just have so many things racing around in my mind that I just can't relax....


Rebel Yankee said...


Yenta Center said...

Yes, an 8 hour nap would be lovely on any given day.