Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Where is Dr. House When You Need Him?

I can't describe the depth of how ill I was today. It was bad. All I wanted was someone to rip out my insides, bathe them in cold water and then put them back in.

Being stressed a bit at work did not help the situation at all. It's the time of year where we really have to gear up for the new school year. The kids come back in a couple of weeks - damn, the summer went fast! It's a lot of work preparing for the start of a school year.

When I got home, I managed to eat something and keep it down/in - then passed out from 5:15 until 8:30. It's now almost 11:30 and I'm ready to pass out again. There has to be an end to this. I'll find out in a few days - Thursday is the "big tests day". Maybe then I will stop feeling like I am going to burst into tears every few hours.

It's upsetting to me that there are people I know that don't understand the side effects of my condition. I had someone say offhandedly to me this weekend "Boy, you are high maintenance", "You and your muffins" - all because I needed something - anything - to eat so that I wouldn't get sick. It was said in the tone of voice usually reserved for people like... Paris Hilton.. all because I needed a muffin/bagel. This is someone who once saw for themselves just how sick I can become if I don't eat (I've almost passed out twice in public). It really hurt my feelings. I don't think I will be spending much time with this person anymore. No great loss.


Rebel Yankee said...

Yikes. I didn't know you were sick yesterday. I hope you're feeling much better today.

Yenta Center said...

:-) Thanks... it's gonna be a rough few days, but worth it.

Heather said...

I hope you're feeling better!!!!! I <3 you and miss you muchly!!! Let's try to get together before the flea market :) :) xoxoxox